On 2015-10-03 01:51 PM, Dan Kennedy wrote:
> Ok. My first guess is that you are missing the "suggested index" on 
> the child table. Without this, if there is a foreign key violation in 
> the db, each insert on the parent table will cause a linear scan of 
> the entire child table. With the index, it's just a simple seek. //...

This is quite probably the issue. It is extremely unlikely that anyone 
could have a reason for not having an index on a relation column, but it 

On this note, some other engines (such as MySQL) forces an Index to 
exist on a foreign key reference, or rather, it won't form a foreign key 
relation on a non-indexed column. I realize this is perhaps late in the 
life-cycle for SQLite3 to consider, but maybe SQLite4 could have similar 

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