The only reason NUM exists in the result set is so I could use it to limit
the outer most select.

But I am having problems with the LIMIT statement.  It throws an exception
no matter what table alias is used: X or x2.  It says "no such column".

Thanks for your time, by the way.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:08 PM, Igor Tandetnik <igor at> wrote:

> On 10/14/2015 6:24 PM, Don V Nielsen wrote:
>> zip     crrt   version_id   NUM   segment
>> [truncated num 1..38]
>> 53001   R501   0060         39    xx
>> 53001   R501   0060         40    xx
>> 53001   R501   0060         41    xx
>> 53001   R501   0060         42    xx
>> [truncated num 1..24]
>> 53001   R502   0060         21    xx
>> 53001   R502   0060         22    xx
>> 53001   R502   0060         23    xx
>> 53001   R502   0060         24    xx
> select * from addresses X where rowid in (
>   select x2.rowid from addresses x2 where and X.crrt=x2.crrt
>   order by (CASE ...)
>   limit ifnull( (
>      select net_non_pieces from crrt_net_non net
>      where and X.crrt=net.crrt
>   ), 0)
> );
> Do you actually need NUM column in the resultset? That one would be tricky
> to pull off.
> --
> Igor Tandetnik
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