I use a high level language to write my db applications (Livecode).  It
permits the use of replacement opertaors in sql statements, e.g. "SELECT *
FROM myTable WHERE myKey=:1".  I guess that's a standard way of doing
things in SQLite.

I'm having some issues with this and not sure whether it's a SQLite or
Livecode problem.

The statement I'm using is:

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myKey IN (:1)

If the value I supply to be used as :1 is a single integer, the SELECT
finds the correct rows.  If the value is a comma separated list of
integers, e.g 1,2 the SELECT statement does not return any rows and no
error is returned.  If I recode the SELECT to specify 1,2 instead of :1,
the correct rows are returned.

Should the :1 form work when a list is supplied as its value?

Similarly with a statement like this.

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myText LIKE :1

I've tried various ways of implementing that with the following LIKE clause
and :1 values:

LIKE :1 - '%abc%'
LIKE :1 - %abc%
LIKE ':1' - %abc%
LIKE '%:1%' - abc

None of the above return any rows, but if I issue:

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myText LIKE '%abc%'

... the correct rows are returned.

I suspect this is a Livecode problem but wanted to check if what I am
trying to do is syntactically correct before reporting it as a bug.


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