Em 04/09/2015 17:09, "Domingo Alvarez Duarte" <sqlite-mail at dev.dadbiz.es>
> Hello !
> This is my first test with json and index expressions !
> How to make usage of the expression index on queries ?
> Why is json_extract so slow ?

Just for information

Is json_extract from https://github.com/groner/sqlite-json ?


> Cheers !
> ________Output
> Time to insert    5000    0.032227    records by second =
> 155149
> count=    4999
> json=    the_value_1
>     0    0    0    SCAN TABLE json_tbl
> Time to select raw    5000    0.00244    records by second =
> 2.04918e+06
> Time to select json_extrat no index    5000    8.12196    records by
> second =     615.615
> Time to create index    5000    0.00605    records by second =
>     826446
>     0    0    0    SCAN TABLE json_tbl
> Time to select json_extrat indexed    5000    7.38144    records by
> second =     677.375
> ________
> ________Program
> local max_count = 5000;
> local sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS json_tbl(id integer primary key,
> text collate nocase);";
> local db = SQLite3(":memory:");
> db.exec_dml(sql);
> local stmt = db.prepare("insert into json_tbl(json) values(?);");
> local start = os.clock();
> db.exec_dml("begin;");
> for(local i=1; i < max_count; ++i)
> {
>     stmt.bind(1, format([==[{"id" : %d, "value" : "the_value_%d"}]==], i,
> i));
>     stmt.step();
>     stmt.reset();
> }
> stmt.finalize();
> db.exec_dml("commit;");
> local time_spent = os.clock() -start;
> print("Time to insert", max_count, time_spent, "records by second = ",
> max_count/time_spent);
> print("count=", db.exec_get_one("select count(*) from json_tbl"));
> print("json=", db.exec_get_one("select json_extract(json, '$.value') AS
> from json_tbl  where val = 'the_value_1';"));
> sql = "select  json_extract(json, '$.value') AS val  from json_tbl where
> val = ?;";
> local showPlan = function()
> {
>     stmt = db.prepare("explain query plan " + sql);
>     while(stmt.next_row())
>     {
>         local line = "";
>         for(local i=0, len = stmt.col_count(); i < len; ++i)
>         {
>             line += "\t" + stmt.col(i);
>         }
>         print(line);
>     }
>     stmt.finalize();
> }
> showPlan();
> start = os.clock();
> stmt = db.prepare("select * from json_tbl");
> while(stmt.next_row())
> {
> }
> stmt.finalize();
> time_spent = os.clock() -start;
> print("Time to select raw", max_count, time_spent, "records by second = ",
> max_count/time_spent);
> start = os.clock();
> stmt = db.prepare(sql);
> for(local i=1; i < max_count; ++i)
> {
>     stmt.bind(1, format("the_value_%d", i));
>     stmt.step();
>     //print(stmt.col(0));
>     stmt.reset();
> }
> stmt.finalize();
> time_spent = os.clock() -start;
> print("Time to select json_extrat no index", max_count, time_spent,
> by second = ", max_count/time_spent);
> start = os.clock();
> db.exec_dml("create index json_tbl_idx on json_tbl(json_extract(json,
> '$.value'));");
> time_spent = os.clock() -start;
> print("Time to create index", max_count, time_spent, "records by second =
> max_count/time_spent);
> showPlan();
> start = os.clock();
> stmt = db.prepare(sql);
> for(local i=1; i < max_count; ++i)
> {
>     stmt.bind(1, format("the_value_%d", i));
>     stmt.step();
>     //print(stmt.col(0));
>     stmt.reset();
> }
> stmt.finalize();
> time_spent = os.clock() -start;
> print("Time to select json_extrat indexed", max_count, time_spent,
> by second = ", max_count/time_spent);
> db.close();
> ________
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