On Tue, 8 Sep 2015 15:42:28 -0400
Richard Hipp <drh at sqlite.org> wrote:

> On 9/8/15, Eduardo Morras <emorrasg at yahoo.es> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a virtual table that implements query perceptual hashing data
> > [1]. Now I'm thinking about converting the virtual table
> > implementation in a collation on a normal sqlite3 table, but
> > collation requieres that '=','<' and '>' be well defined by obeying
> > the rules cited on create_collation() page[2]. Sometimes, rule 2
> > may not be true, but I always query for '=',
> Yes, but under the hood, SQLlite never does an == query on the b-trees
> even if you ask for a == query in the SQL.  Instead, the b-trees are
> queried using one of >, >=, <, or <=.  A query of the form:
>      x=$value
> Gets translated (at the b-tree layer) into
>      x>=$value AND x<=$value
> So it is *very* important that the comparison operators all work
> correctly on your collating sequence function.  If they don't, then
> SQLite will give incorrect answers.

Yes, the comparison operators work correctly and the b-tree binary search 
should give correct answers, the only tweak is in xCompare, that returns 0 when 
left(x) and rigth($value) expressions distance is lower than a threshold. I 
begin with the implementation and test cases, I expect it be faster than 
virtual table.


---   ---
Eduardo Morras <emorrasg at yahoo.es>

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