
OK> The result consists of 4 rows, in the following order:
OK> "1"    "AB"
OK> "4"    "AB"
OK> "2"    "CD"
OK> "5"    "CD"

OK> Especially you can see that the result is sorted by column 'y'.
OK> This is reproducible and I can't understand that.
OK> When you remove the index ix_t1_y, the results are more comprehensible:

OK> "1"    "AB"
OK> "2"    "CD"
OK> "4"    "AB"
OK> "5"    "CD"

OK> So the sorting is connected to the existence of the index, I guess.
OK> Is this expected behavior or a bug?

Without an ORDER BY clause, you can't expect or rely on any particular


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