On 15 Sep 2015, at 5:01pm, Nicolas J?ger <jagernicolas at legtux.org> wrote:

> I also would like to know how can I check if an entry exists,(or not
> exists), in a table. Like,
> IF (exists) THEN (doSomething) END

Here's another alternative to add to those in Ryan's excellent post.  With your 

> create table Tags
> (
>  id integer primary key,
>  name text collate nocase unique,
>  count integer not null
> );

You can do things like

SELECT total(count) FROM Tags WHERE id=234;
SELECT total(count) FROM Tags WHERE name='biology';

You will definitely get a reply from this since 'total()' returns 0.0 even if 
there are no rows which satisfy the WHERE clause.

So you can submit this query and know that there is definitely an answer which 
is definitely a floating point value.  And then in your programming language 
you can do your equivalent of

IF (theanswer) > 0.0 THEN (doSomething) END

Warning: although SQLite also has the function sum() it does not produce the 
same result to total() when no lines satisfy the WHERE clause.  Sorting out the 
possibilities is more complicated.


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