On 2015-09-18 03:13 AM, Keith Medcalf wrote:
>> Some initial things.
>> Data needs to be kept in 1NF (or 1st-Normal-Form) which is relational
>> theory speak for "Everything without a 1-to-1 relationship with the key
>> field in a table, should be in another table".  Many reasons for this
>> (if you care to read up on some RT) but the most simple reason is: We
>> can make complex extractions from 1NF data tables via JOINs, sub-queries
>> and the like, but we cannot extract simple information (or de-complicate
>> it) from convoluted tables.
> Except for very simple cases, data in first normal form that is not also in 
> third or boyce-codd normal form usually has anomalous update/delete 
> behaviour.  Although it may be complicated, one usually wants to normalize to 
> at least third normal.  Then you can denormalize (usually for performance 
> reasons) and deal with the anomalies that you (re)introduce through each 
> denormalization step manually.

Indeed, and thank you for adding that. I seem to recall someone on this 
forum quoting an old adage long ago re this - something to the effect of:
"Normalize until it hurts; denormalize until it works."

(As long as we avoid Knuth's root of all evil: Premature optimization.)

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