Thanks, it does.

I'm working under the Win7/64 environment doing the builds using the C++
Builder from Bloodshed, but I do speak Linux, so I can follow along with
what you're saying here.

I've found "fuel" and playing around with that to see if I can go back into
history instead of downloading the packages.  This repo is a little bit
different from what I'm used to (But so is git and svn, and I'm just
beginning to wrap my head around those two) so I'm seeing if I can get fuel
to put those two files back in history so I can recompile.  If I come up
with a procedure, I can turn off the script. :]

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 3:51 AM, Kees Nuyt <k.nuyt at> wrote:

> On Tue, 29 Sep 2015 02:01:03 -0400, Stephen Chrzanowski
> <pontiac76 at> wrote:
> > For the past year, I've had a script that runs daily that reads all the
> > links off of and downloads anything
> that is
> > missing.  It has been a long while since I've looked at this particular
> > section of my NAS, but thought I'd bring my repositories up to snuff, and
> > build my own DLLs against each revision posted again.  (So, yes, Richard,
> > as a prank, you could slap a 1tb garbage file up and my script would
> > dutifully download it....  My ISP would LOVE more of my money)
> >
> > First, I noticed that there hasn't been anything posted new for the
> > amalgamation a long while (July 30 for according to my file
> > systems time stamp), so thinking that my script broke for whatever
> reason,
> > curiosity bit me.  I checked the download site and no, things seem to be
> > working.  So a testament to stability, both for the code, and
> surprisingly
> > for my script!!
> >
> > Second, I noticed that on the download page itself TODAY has no reference
> > to files named "" yet I have a bunch
> of
> > them in my archives.  Are these the files put up for the purpose of the
> > pre-releases of a finalized build and my script is working better than
> > expected??? (I might get the script to filter those files out, but being
> a
> > digital file packrat....)
> >
> > Third, I don't know if it is something that can be done now, but I've
> > noticed that on a very few of these downloads, I'm getting file sizes in
> > the 5kb range.  Looking at the raw bytes of the zip file in a text editor
> > is a bit strange, but it looks like the .zip file was downloaded as an
> > file.  (As in, rename the zip file to .TXT and open up in notepad, kinda
> > raw content).  I'm thinking that the web server didn't find the file
> when I
> > requested so just spit out the page.
> >
> > Fourth, a little bit of hand-holding might be needed, but do the zipped
> > archives of the released amalgamations (Not the dated files) exist on the
> > web server somewhere, or can I get the zip from the SQlite repo?  If only
> > from the repo, where can I get either the .c/.h or .zip file for older
> > versions?  (Just in case I miss a revision in the future because of that
> > 5kb thing) -- Maybe because of that 5kb thing I should write into my
> script
> > that any zip file that is less than 100kb should be just flat out
> deleted.
> > I'm a somewhat interested in getting older versions for the sake of just
> > having them, and going back to them in case I want/need them.
> By far the easiest way to follow revisions and build older
> versions is to follow the repository, which is managed by
> fossil.
> Clone the repository using fossil:
>   fossil clone \
>          ~/var/fossil/repo/sqlite3.fossil
> Open a checkout in a dedicated directory:
>   mkdir -p ~/src/sqlite3        # once
>   cd ~/src/sqlite3
>   fossil open ~/var/fossil/repo/sqlite3.fossil trunk
> Update it periodically:
>   cd ~/src/sqlite3
>   fossil pull
> and update the checkout:
>   cd ~/src/sqlite3
>   fossil update trunk # or any other point on the timeline
> Building the amalgamation is a matter of:
>   mkdir -p ~/bld/sqlite3        # once
>   cd ~/bld/sqlite3
>   ./configure [ options ]
> Then you can i.e. build the command line tool
> and sqlite3_analyzer:
>   cd ~/bld/sqlite3
>   make clean
>   make sqlite3.c
>   make tclsqlite3.c
>   gcc ${CFLAGS} -o sqlite3 sqlite3.c \
>      ../../src/sqlite3/src/shell.c
>   make sqlite3_analyzer
> Your build can grab the version in the
> generated sqlite3.h in the build directory:
> #define SQLITE_VERSION        "3.8.12"
> #define SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER 3008012
> #define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID      "2015-09-26 17:44:59
> 33404b2029120d4aabe1e25d484871810777e934"
> Hope this helps.
> --
> Regards,
> Kees Nuyt
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