On 1 Oct 2015, at 12:08am, eluken at pentarch.org wrote:

> Well, when you put it like that :)
> I might allow the user to change the name based on the game name. But there 
> again, special characters.  Ideally, the functionality would allow for 
> multiple databases.

You could make a rule that only letters and digits are allowed.

Or you could do what lots of games do for their savepoints: keep the filenames 
as numbers and create another database which contains a table matching the 
numbers with whatever the user thinks the database is called.

> I also need to figure out how to upgrade the database when I have a database 
> upgrade, and maintain current data.  That is probably just a series of SQL 
> commands creating temp tables and copying the new structure over.

That's one way to do it.  Helped by you keeping the database-format-version 
number somewhere in the database, probably in a 'configuration' table.

> On a slight tangent, is there a way to verify database integrity?



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