Recently, I am reading the source code of SQLite.
I found that on OS level, SQLite use file lock to solve multi-processes problem 
and use VFS to solve multi-threads problem. But all of them might failed with 
racing and SQLite will return a SQLITE_BUSY result code to make it 

I get confused of this code. Why SQLite use lock-and-wait? For example, in the 
unixLock, we can use F_SETLKW instead of F_SETLK, so that code will return 
immediatly when file unlocked. We have not need to sleep-and-retry, which may 
waste our running time.

So I think it might be a kind oftrick, but I don?t why SQLite do so. I already 
find out the, but it tells nothing about this. Does anybody know 
why SQLite design it so?

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