On Wed, 6 Apr 2016 06:13:01 +0000
Hick Gunter <hick at scigames.at> wrote:

> You are hopefully aware of the fact that SQLite associates type with
> the actual values and not the containers(columns) used to hold these
> values? This means that a data object of any type may be
> held/returned in a column, irrespective of the declared type (which,
> for expressions, is NULL).

Yes, but some of us are careful to include CHECK constraints to enforce
type-checking.  Even when not that careful, many follow the practice of
restricting each column to a single type.  

> What would your date routine do with the string

It would never see it.  Problem solved by prevention: 

sqlite> create table T(t TEXT not NULL 
                check (strftime('%m', t) is not  NULL)); 

sqlite> insert into  T values ('2016-04-06');
sqlite> insert into  T values ('2016-14-06');
Error: CHECK constraint failed: T
sqlite> insert into  T values ('');
Error: CHECK constraint failed: T


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