Dear list members:

Recently I have worked with an application for initial charge of an
Accounting System. It was very simple and I suspect that was implemented
with EXCEL and the Accounting System BD motor is not an SQLite (maybe

The main idea is to prepare an accounting entry (I don?t know how to name it
in english but in spanish it is known as ?comprobante?) in Excel, in a
special layout, press a button, and generate the entry in a way that the
Accounting System can ?read? when it was ?imported?.

I have implemented an application with Lazarus+FPCompiler, using SQLite
tables, and the information was obtained from Excel tables previously done.

I hope it would be very simple to prepare in the former Excel tables a sheet
with the information required by my application and ?charge it? instead of
the manual introduction as now.

Please, if somebody knows something about this aspect, I will appreciate
very much any information.


Ing. H?ctor F. Fiandor Rosario

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