On Wed, 13 Apr 2016 19:41:34 +0200
R Smith <rsmith at rsweb.co.za> wrote:

> Or did you mean you publish an interface of sorts in your application 
> that allows users to run their own queries, but it /has/ to be an "fts5" 
> query in some way, and now sometimes they want to list all rows?  It is 
> quite baffling - but I might simply not understand the situation, 
> perhaps some more information on the setup would help us see the light 
> and help us to offer better suggestions than this :)

Well, OK, but the explanation is not very short. :)

I am using SQLite as a storage back-end for my web forum engine (in assembly 

I want to use the fts5 in order to provide the search feature for the forum. It 
is actually
implemented and you can test it on the above link.

The searching SQL is the following:

  U.nick as UserName,
  U.id as UserID,
  U.avatar as avatar,
  strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S', P.postTime, 'unixepoch') as PostTime,
  snippet(PostFTS, 0, '', '', '...', 16) as Content,
  (select count() from UnreadPosts UP where UP.UserID = ?4 and UP.PostID = 
PostFTS.rowid) as Unread
left join
  Posts P on P.id = PostFTS.rowid
left join
  Threads T on T.id = P.threadID
left join
  ThreadTags TT on TT.ThreadID = T.id
left join
  Users U on P.userID = U.id
  PostFTS match ?1 and ( ?4 is null or T.slug = ?4) and (?5 is null or TT.tag = 
order by rank
limit ?2
offset ?3

As you can see, besides the MATCH condition, in the WHERE clause, there are two 
more conditions -
the first is for searching in particular thread and the second is for searching 
the posts 
in particular sub-forum (tag).

So, I think it is very natural if the user submit empty query or query 
containing for example "*" (parameter ?1) 
the search engine to return all posts, belonging to the current thread (or tag).

And vice versa, I think it is very unnatural, submitting empty query to get 
nothing as a result.

So, I am searching for the way to make it without changing the whole SQL query. 

P.S. BTW another issue that I can't solve with fts5 is returning posts that 
does not contain some word.
"NOT keyword" does not work at all, neither "* NOT keyword";

John Found <johnfound at asm32.info>

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