2016-04-14 22:10 GMT+02:00 Richard Hipp <drh at sqlite.org>:

> On 4/14/16, Cecil Westerhof <cldwesterhof at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > ?Yes that makes sense. But could not a type of PRAGMA be used? So if the
> > PRAGMA is not defined the old functionality and your historical data is
> > save. And if the PRAGMA is defined the new functionality.
> >
> Easier:  Just declare the columns in question as NOT NULL.  Or use a
> WITHOUT ROWID table which *does* enforce NOT NULL.

?The problem is that you do not expect that values in the primary key can
be NULL, so you do not use NOT NULL. I now know that I need to do this and
I do it now, but the unaware will be bitten, just as I was. It was not a
big problem, because I just started playing with SQLite, but when you have
a very big database which gets a lot of data every day and a year later you
find out you are bitten by this ?

Cecil Westerhof

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