2016-04-15 22:04 GMT+02:00 R Smith <rsmith at rsweb.co.za>:

?I do not think it is. When you add something to the database to signify
>> that a primary key is not allowed to be NULL, then this is not in an old
>> database, ergo in the old database NULLs are allowed. Where does backward
>> compatibility get broken? As I see it, it is as with partial indexes.
> ?
>>> B. Your suggestion would break backward compatibility, no matter how
>>> "light" you coat it.
>>> ?I really do not see this. Could you expand on that?
> Imagine a program written 2 years ago, for instance works on all Apple
> computers, or perhaps Android phones. In fact, imagine several programs
> where the programmers used, either through conscious decision to employ a
> "feature" of SQLite, or perhaps simply out of ignorance, the NULL values
> allowed in PK situation.
> Some time later, SQLite gets updated with your requested new default.
> These programs get re-compiled with defaults, or even just use the packaged
> SQLite that are now updated inside OSX or Android, etc. Suddenly, their
> programs do no longer work, Keys fail to get inserted... Users have devices
> crashing everywhere. Apple perhaps quickly rolls back to a previous version
> that was not so damaged, but every compiled-in version of the SQLite code
> is out in the wild causing problems. SQLite runs on billions of devices and
> systems.

?It is clear as daylight now. Thank you for the explanation. I hope that I
was not to pesky.?

> This is what backwards-compatible means, that a system and data will still
> work as it always worked, even after you upgrade the engine. To get to your
> example of Partial indices - if a DB did not use them before, then it still
> doesn't use them, all is well. Only new DB's could use them.

?Yeah, I did not think it through enough. Luckily the maintainers think
better about consequences as I did.?

> So if you opt for a pragma that lets you avoid NULLs once you activate
> it... sure, but who will that really help? People will need to read the
> documentation to even know that pragma exists (which you pointed out they
> don't usually do in the first place), and simply /knowing/ the reason for
> that pragma, will obviate the need for it.

?It does not add much then no. The only thing is that people could keep
database definitions ?the same? for different databases.?

?The only change I would like is in the documentation. It should be
?impossible? to start using SQLite without knowing this pitfall. Not for
me, I know it now, but for future users.


> I am hoping that is as clear as possible with no hint of mocking - I
> honestly mean it well.

?Yes, I now understand it. Next time I should curb my enthusiasm. ;-)

C. The suggested work-around would introduce more complication than it is
>>> solving.
>>> ?I do not see that either. Could you enlighten me?
> I trust this point was made above too.



> ?I like SQLite very much also. I even gave a presentation about it on
>> T-DOSE. As you can see from the plethora of questions I ask(ed) I want to
>> get serious with it. I do not use MySQL anymore and plan to migrate what I
>> still have in H2 to SQLite also. :-) I do not say there is never a reason
>> for another database, but I think that in my case there is not (at this
>> moment of time).
> That's great news :)
> Let me just note that we do not really shun the likes of Postgress, MSSQL,
> MySQL etc. - those systems answer a different need.

?Me neither, but when SQLite is enough why add the complications of the
other type of database? At my work they use DB2: I do not think SQLite
would be a good replacement there. :-D

?I use it for logging. It is much easier to find something, or delete the
parts you do not need anymore.

Thanks for the patience.

Cecil Westerhof

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