2016-04-21 7:50 GMT+02:00 Cecil Westerhof <cldwesterhof at gmail.com>:

> ?I think it is an edge case. On my real system I only got this when there
> where 1E8 records. I am now testing on very old (8 year) hardware to and
> from work.
> The processor is:
>     Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270   @ 1.60GHz
> with 1 GB of RAM. I am now generating a database with 1E6 records (will
> take some time) and will check then with the small database. I expect that
> I then will not see this kind of things. That would explain why nobody sees
> something.

?As I expected: with a tenth of the records, the performance is as
expected: DROP is faster as DELETE and DROP. (Even faster as the DELETE.)

But I am afraid that uploading a file from 4 GB could be a challenge.

?I have an idea how to get this done, but I have to try some things out.
That is a little difficult while traveling. ;-)

Cecil Westerhof

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