On 25 Apr 2016, at 2:00pm, Mark Foley <mfoley at novatec-inc.com> wrote:

> problem is that the PRAGMA
> statement echo the timeout value to stdout:
> sqlite3 "mydbpath" \
> "PRAGMA busy_timeout=5000;select distinct value from cal_properties where key 
> 5000
> Orange Category
> Green Category
> Blue Category
> Purple Category
> Blue Category,Holidays
> Personal
> I'd have to do some major editing to my queries to reject the 1st row make the
> query processing very depending on whether or no I use the PRAGMA. Is there a
> way to surpress the PRAGMA output?

Hmm.  I don't know whether this might work:

.once dummy.txt;PRAGMA busy_timeout=5000;select distinct value from 
cal_properties where key = 'CATEGORIES'

This might route the result of the PRAGMA to your dummy.txt file, which you can 
ignore.  You might have to specify a writable directory.  Or you could try 
sending it to /dev/null or whatever your OS supports as "throw this away".


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