> <quote>
> If a HAVING clause is specified, it is evaluated once for each group of
> rows as a boolean expression <http://sqlite.org/lang_expr.html#booleanexpr>.
> If the result of evaluating the HAVING clause is false, the group is
> discarded. If the HAVING clause is an aggregate expression, it is evaluated
> across all rows in the group. If a HAVING clause is a non-aggregate
> expression, it is evaluated with respect to an arbitrarily selected row
> from the group. The HAVING expression may refer to values, even aggregate
> functions, that are not in the result.
> </quote>
> So, it turns out that SQLite is documented as accepting the statement. So
> this is not a "bug", per se. But basing a resultant row on "evaluated with
> respect an arbitrarily selected row from the group" seems "un-useful".

Thanks John. That matches the behaviour I observed. I always liked about
SQL (at least how it is implemented in MS SQL Server) that it forces you
to be non-ambiguous, so the result is deterministic.

In this case this led to a quite subtle bug in my program because the
result was right (as in what I expected) most of the time, since it
picked the right row, but not always.


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