On 2/8/16, Eric Hill <Eric.Hill at jmp.com> wrote:
> Hey,
> It appears that LEFT and RIGHT are treated as reserved words by SQLite, so
> my attempts to use sqlite3_create_function() to create my own LEFT and RIGHT
> SQL functions have been unsuccessful (I'm using  Several
> databases (SQL Server, MySQL) define their own LEFT and RIGHT functions for
> performing sub-string functions, apparently without conflicting with LEFT
> JOIN/RIGHT JOIN syntax.  Is that just not possible for SQLite?

Not easily, it seems.  There is a list of keywords that can fallback
to be identifiers
(https://www.sqlite.org/src/artifact/d7bff41d4?ln=220,233) if they
cannot be parsed as their original keyword value.  I tried adding
JOIN_KW to that list.  (JOIN_KW is a compound keyword that includes
The result compiled, but lots of tests failed.  I don't know if that
is something that would be easy to fix or not.

Even if it were possible to fix it, I am not in a big rush to do so.
By allowing LEFT and RIGHT to be identifiers, we would be making a
promise that they can be identifiers in all future versions of SQLite,
which puts an additional constraint on future changes.  I'm not sure
this is worth it.

D. Richard Hipp
drh at sqlite.org

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