david at andl.org wrote:
> 1. Type name (string) to use in CREATE TABLE.
> 2. Affinity.
> 3. Datatype that will be returned by C API calls
> 4. Which C API call to use to get and put data values.
> My current choices are:
> Bool: TINYINT, INTEGER, value_int

Why not "BOOLEAN"?  (This would result in NUMERIC affinity, which would
not make any difference.)

> Number: NUMERIC, NUMERIC, value_???
> should I choose text functions like sqlite3_value_text() and do all my
> own conversions

That would be silly.

> or is there benefit in using a different function according to the
> storage class/data type?

If you do not know what type is _actually_ stored, call
sqlite3_column_type() first.

> Time: DATETIME, NUMERIC, value_???.
> the only supported DATETIME format seems to be ISO8601, which has no
> explicit C API support?

ISO8601 strings are strings, so they are just stored as TEXT.

See <http://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html#datetime>.

Things like CURRENT_TIMESTAMP use the text format.  Numbers are
interpreted as Julian days by default; Unix time is used only when you
specify the 'unixepoch' modifier.

> That looks like a lot of conversion overhead for something that is
> easily stored in a 64-bit integer.

You need to store date/time values in one of the three supported formats
only if you want to use the built-in date functions, or if you want to
be compatible with data that already uses these formats.

Quite a few Java programs use milliseconds since 1970.

> all text values are UTF-8 by default?

Yes.  It would be possible to configure databases to store text values
as UTF-16, but nobody does this, and they would be converted
automatically when using sqlite3_column_text().


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