On 2/10/16, Eric Hill <Eric.Hill at jmp.com> wrote:
> Suggestion:  Document the fact that CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME and
> CURRENT_TIMESTAMP are supported by SQLite on the Date And Time
> Functions<http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/create_function.html> page of the "SQL
> As Understood By SQLite" documentation.  The only place you can currently
> find them is on the Keywords<https://www.sqlite.org/lang_keywords.html>
> page.

Also documented here: https://www.sqlite.org/syntax/literal-value.html

But you raise a good point.  I'll see what I can do to improve the docs...

> I didn't realize they were supported until I used sqlite3_create_function()
> to create my own versions and then the SQL wouldn't run.
> While we can have a pedagogic argument about whether they are really
> keywords or functions with no arguments, what really matters is where
> somebody is going to expect to find them documented.  Page 463 of SQL In A
> Nutshell lists "ANSI SQL Built-In Scalar Functions," and
> CURRENT_DATE/TIME/TIMESTAMP are in the list.  I don't think any harm will
> befall anyone if they are documented on the Date And Time Functions page
> even though they are technically keywords.
> Thanks!
> Eric
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D. Richard Hipp
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