On 2016/02/13 6:52 AM, J Decker wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 8:00 PM, Igor Tandetnik <igor at tandetnik.org> wrote:
>> On 2/12/2016 10:44 PM, J Decker wrote:
>>> I expect it to take any string 
>> What is the basis of this expectation, other than wishful thinking?
> I don't think expectation and wishful thinknig have anything to do
> with each other.

That's exactly Igor's point (if I may). The two things are very 
different. You talk about expectation as if it were "what you yourself 
expect from the World" - which is akin to wishful thinking, while the 
normal understanding of "expectation" used in these contexts, is to find 
a result to be in line with how the documentation describes it would be. 
i.e - what is to be expected considering the workings of the system.

> Though I expect standards would look at what the world really needs
> and implement core functionality?  That's hardly wishful thinking.
> Well I guess it is, because I repeatedly have found myself
> disappointed in the lack of considerations in standards.  Yes there
> are even unicode libraries for posix; but it's a huge expense for a
> couple hundred lines of code.

Very true.

>    and if it's something I needed for
> interop, why doesn't everyone?

This furthers the point:
Your expectation isn't unreasonable at all from a needs-based or wishful 
point of view (I'm sure many of us wish it too) - but it is unreasonable 
to expect that which is not explicitly (or even implicitly) promised by 
the documentation/designer.

The boiled-down difference being that your original statement, to 
paraphrase, said: "It doesn't work", while it should have said: "It 
doesn't work for me" - and so was rightly challenged.


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