
I'm at of SQLite - could move to more recent version if it would help.

When I move date columns into SQLite, I declare their type as "REAL_DATE".  I 
do this because I convert from my application's date (seconds since 1904) to 
Julian date (a date that SQLite likes, sort of) when the data moves back and 
forth.  So if I execute this SQL:

SELECT theDate FROM t1;

I can call sqlite3_column_decltype() and get back "REAL_DATE" and know I should 

However, if I execute this SQL:

SELECT MAX( theDate ) FROM t1;

My call to sqlite3_column_decltype() returns nothing - the decltype of the 
column being aggregated is not preserved by the MAX() operation.

I guess this is just the way it is?  Clearly, the expression inside MAX() could 
be any sort of computation, so preserving the decltype would often not be 
possible, but in this degenerate (yet common I suspect) case of the simple 
MIN() or MAX() of a column, it's just not possible to preserve the decltype?



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