On 27 Feb 2016, at 3:20pm, Dave Baggett <dmb at inky.com> wrote:

> It would be interesting to contemplate running all of SQLite on an HSM, as 
> this would allow you to perform database transactions while ensuring the 
> database itself was kept hidden from the host computing device. I'm not aware 
> of any generically programmable HSMs capable of doing this, though, and of 
> course your database would have to entirely fit within the HSM's on-board 
> storage.

SQLite is in use in something like this.  I can't describe the custom hardware 
to you but think of a Raspberry Pi (half hand-sized circuitboard based around a 
CPU executing a stripped-down Linux) and you're not far wrong.  Various user 
factors (biometrics, etc.) are stored in the database and when someone needs 
access the database is searched.


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