> Le 13 janv. 2016 ? 16:28, Dominique Devienne <ddevienne at gmail.com> a ?crit 
> :
>> "When a read operation begins on a WAL-mode database, it first remembers
>> the location of the last valid commit record in the WAL. Call this point
>> the "end mark". Because the WAL can be growing and adding new commit
>> records while various readers connect to the database, each reader can
>> potentially have its own end mark. But for any particular reader, the end
>> mark is unchanged for the duration of the transaction, thus ensuring that a
>> single read transaction only sees the database content as it existed at a
>> single point in time."
> That does sound like MVCC indeed. Although I guess a true MVCC DB allows
> concurrent readers and writer(s), i.e. here new readers could grab the
> "last" "end mark" before the write started. Does WAL mode support that? But
> if your writes are as small as you say, perhaps reader can retry later with
> the timeout feature of SQLite. --DD

Kind-of MVCC, but not MVCC, indeed, at least not like Firebird MVCC for 
instance. But well enough for my needs if it really fits the description, which 
I'll write a dedicated test for.

Meilleures salutations, Met vriendelijke groeten, Best Regards,
Olivier Mascia, integral.be/om

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