For no especially good reason, I decided to turn off all SQLite features I?m 
not using now and which I have no plans to use in the future.

My current DB doesn?t use any FP columns, so I rebuild SQLite with 
SQLITE_OMIT_FLOATING_POINT and ran ran into a bunch of breakage:

1. The (double) cast on line 66942 of the current amalgamation in 
valueFromExpr() produces a warning.  Most of that block probably should go away 
if FP is disabled.

2. Similar problem on 138811 in FTS3: the cost estimator uses FP.

3. Setting this implicitly defines SQLITE_OMIT_TRACE, which removes 
sqlite3_profile(), even though that interface doesn?t use FP.  I didn?t look 
deeply into it, but apparently it does use FP internally.  

At minimum, this should be documented.

It would be better if SQLite decoupled the two reasons to disable FP: a. My 
processor has no FPU, so I don?t want *any* FP code in sqlite3.o; and b. I 
don?t use FP in my DB, so I want to disable REAL and related things, but it?s 
fine if SQLite uses it internally.  (Profiling, FTS3, etc.)  It?s actually the 
latter I was expecting when I set this build option.

4. If the current all-or-nothing approach to FP continues, setting this should 
probably implicitly set SQLITE_RTREE_INT_ONLY.  Currently, you get a complaint 
due to use of double on lines and 156404 and 158887 of the current amalgamation.

5. #4 happens whether you have SQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE defined or not.  I couldn?t 
work out why, but this tells me the r*tree code is being compiled in despite 
being unasked-for.

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