On Sat, 16 Jan 2016 10:18:28 +0200
audio muze <audiomuze at gmail.com> wrote:

> Why is it that SQLite does not support a FROM clause in an update
> statement?

I can't answer why, but I can tell you it's fraught with potential
error.  Inventing syntax runs the risk of supporting undesirable

SQL Server has such a syntax.  Unfortunately, when you say:

        update T ... from S

the result is nondeterministic if more than one row in S matches.  The
update applies all rows in S matching T.  Of course, only the last one
is preserved.  Of course, because order is nonsemantic, there's no way
to know *which* S row will "win".  

The ANSI standard syntax

> UPDATE target
>    SET resource = (SELECT resource
>                      FROM source
>                     WHERE id = target.id)

has the merit that the sub-select must produce 1 row.  If it does not,
the server raises an error to the effect that SET requires a scalar


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