On 2016/01/25 7:02 PM, Bernard McNeill wrote:
> Hello,
> Anyone with any experiences with this (good or bad)?
> Idea to have Sqlite database on server, accessed from a few ultra-thin
> Terminal clients.

Terminal clients? You mean the kind where the terminal client is 
basically just peripherals to a session that runs on an actual server?

If this is the case and the app runs on the session on the server - then 
the DB files would be local to the server and the sharing would work as 

If however the clients somehow run this software (inside the thin 
client, or any client) and/or you plan any future expansion where it 
will become a client-run system, then they will gain file access via the 
network file system, in which case you most certainly do not wish to use 
an SQLite DB. (It's still ok if you only read from the DB, but bad if 
you try to write anything since network file locking doesn't work). 
Might I suggest MariaDB/MySQL or PostGres for this purpose?  There 
exists an SQLite network server system, but it is commercial I believe.

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