Just a short reply, because I should be sleeping now. ;-)

2016-01-30 1:14 GMT+01:00 Stephen Chrzanowski <pontiac76 at gmail.com>:

> This is going to be useful for me for a couple of reasons.  First, I've got
> a machine at work that mysteriously fills up, and more importantly, I can
> monitor my Minecraft server at home. ;)

?I am glad it is useful.?

> However, I've run into a few problems, so I'm offering my findings and
> fixes.
> The first, line 3, you've got a reference to a script that doesn't exist
> AFAIK.  You should maybe put a check to see if the file exists first,
> before running it.  I just deleted that entry from my version of the
> script.

?That is my bash library. I will change it so you can use the script
without the library.

> On line 8, I'm erroring out with "declare: not found".  At first I thought
> it might be something to do with regexp, but even changing it to a static
> file name, it still bombs.  Then I realized that the file needs to be
> executable.  With a chmod, that works.

?Strange, when I check it out the bits are correctly set. But I will add a
note about it.?

Third, my version of df doesn't seem to support the --output parameter.
> I've checked online man pages and I can't find an example or a man page
> containing that parameter.  Removing the parameter, it still works.

?I will look into that also. What does ?df --version? give and which
version of Linux are you using? (uname -a)


> Fourth, I'd maybe suggest that you either run a delete prior to updating
> for todays date, or, change the resolution of the date to the accuracy of a
> second.  The reason being is if you want to test (Like I'm doing) you're
> going to run into constraint violations. With changing to a second
> resolution, you can run it multiple times to get more results to get real
> time info.  I'll also be changing my version so it doesn't show human
> readable since I'll be looking at a few KB worth of changes at a time.

?My idea was that you only run it once a day. But I will change that it can
be run on minute base also. I will also implement a parameter to get rid of
human readable.

> On my MC server, I have the current partition setup:
> rootfs    36G  19G  15G 57% /
> udev      10M    0  10M 0% /dev
> tmpfs    397M 164K 397M 1% /run
> /dev/disk/by-uuid/75b09020-4711-48d3-a664-7024a0d16db8  36G  19G  15G 57% /
> tmpfs    5.0M    0 5.0M 0% /run/lock
> The fact that I have two  / mentioned, it errors out.  This might be an
> edge case, but, just something I came across.  I'll have to filter out
> either rootfs or dev/disk.  I'll need to see how the work machines are
> setup (They're Redhat, I'm using Debian at home right now) so I'll decide
> what happens then.

?I would only use partitions?
? that are mounted on /dev/... But that is the nice thing about this
solution: what is stored is driven by the database.

> And finally, maybe not the scripts fault, but there was an oddball
> directory made by one of the Minecraft mods that pooched the script.
> Literally, the directory was
> "_!'0!bw"k!(}!~@"y!(:!a@"v!'4!d!"y!'%!}w"r!'`!cg!x!#4!;w!u!$%!:!==".
> I deleted the directory, and it went through completely.  I'll just modify
> the script to ignore this particular directory.

?You do not need to delete the directory, just do not put it in the
database to be processed. :-D

> All in all, excellent example.

?Thank you.

> On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 12:47 PM, Cecil Westerhof <cldwesterhof at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I wrote the following article:
> >     ??
> > Use Bash to Store Disc Info in SQLite
> > ?    ?
> >
> >
> https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/use-bash-store-disc-info-sqlite-cecil-westerhof
> >
> > ?No rocket science, but I thought it could be interesting.
> > ?
> >
> > --
> > Cecil Westerhof
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Cecil Westerhof

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