Records can span multiple pages and the record itself is unrelated to
the block size.

For smaller tables indexes an increase in page size can increase the
DB size - consider a DB with 1024 byte pages and one table that
occupies 6 pages - i.e. 6K. in a new 4096 page size DB it would take
up two pages i.e. 8K.

Without further investigation I suspect that savings would come in
when you have larger tables with relatively large record payloads, I
would think that the free space in a page would be half the average
record length and so by multiplying the page size by 4 would decrease
the free (wasted) space (due to not enough space for another complete
record) also by a factor of four. This is grossly over simplified
though and takes no account of presumably less overflow pages due the
larger page size, pointer maps, and free space due to deleted records.

In short (no testing done) I am not sure that for most implementations
that increasing page size would make any significant space savings and
may likely as mentioned above increase the DB size..

The savings as mentioned earlier are IO related due to matching the
page size to the underlying hardwares block size and for larger
payloads ensuring less IO due to no or lesss overflow pages.

skype: r3scue193
twitter: @sandersonforens
Tel +44 (0)1326 572786
-Forensic Toolkit for SQLite
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On 5 March 2016 at 18:43, Jim Callahan <jim.callahan.orlando at> 
>> From: Domingo Alvarez Duarte
>> I have a question, is it enough to vacuum a database to update to the new
>> page size ?
> Apparently all you need to is "pragma page_size=4096; vacuum;" using the
>> appropriate page size.
>> This makes very easy to convert any(all) database(s) with a single
>> t
>> command from the command-line, like so (Win7 example):
>> for %i in (*.db) do sqlite3 %i "pragma page_size=4096; vacuum;"
> I am confused.
> The "page" is an in-memory structure; it is how large a chunk the program
> reads from the file (analogous to how large a scoop or shovel), So, unless
> one is using an index, how would the on disk structure be impacted? How
> does SQLite handle the last block (does it expect the file to be an even
> multiple of the block size, or does it accept that the last read might be
> less than a full block?).
> For example, if one encountered an old file, would it be enough to rebuild
> the indices?
> Or is it simply a matter of closing the file? (close the file with the old
> version and open the file with the new?).
> I haven't read the source code so I don't know what assertions, checks or
> assumptions SQLite
> uses.
> Jim
> On Sat, Mar 5, 2016 at 11:04 AM, <tonyp at> wrote:
>> From: Domingo Alvarez Duarte
>>> I have a question, is it enough to vacuum a database to update to the new
>>> page size ?
>> Apparently all you need to is "pragma page_size=4096; vacuum;" using the
>> appropriate page size.
>> This makes very easy to convert any(all) database(s) with a single command
>> from the command-line, like so (Win7 example):
>> for %i in (*.db) do sqlite3 %i "pragma page_size=4096; vacuum;"
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