Hello !  

After seeing several times work/commits on fts5 I decided to try it on a
table shown bellow, and when trying to populate it I get this error message: 

sqlite> INSERT INTO fts_idx_items(fts_idx_items) VALUES('rebuild');
Error: constraint failed  

The table has 12,000,000 records and it show the error message after 10
seconds working, any clue on what can be happening ?  

Cheers !  

CREATE TABLE "items" (
??? 'id' integer PRIMARY KEY,
??? 'parent' INTEGER,
??? 'by' text COLLATE NOCASE,
??? 'score' integer DEFAULT 0,
??? 'title' text? COLLATE NOCASE,
??? 'type' text? COLLATE NOCASE,
??? 'url' text? COLLATE NOCASE,
??? 'deleted' BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0,
??? 'dead' BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0,
??? 'comment' TEXT COLLATE NOCASE,
??? 'time' integer NOT NULL,
??? descendants integer default 0

CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE fts_idx_items USING fts5(title, comment, content=items,

INSERT INTO fts_idx_items(fts_idx_items) VALUES('rebuild');

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