On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Rob Willett
<rob.sqlite at robertwillett.com> wrote:
> We?re trying to backup a 10GB live running database

> 2. If we use the command line sqlite <filename> .dump > <backupfilename> it
> works, but its very slow.

That's going to SQL text.
While .backup is page-based, and binary. But not incremental in the
Shell I believe.

> 3. Using the Sqlite C API works but is also very slow.

Are you talking about https://www.sqlite.org/backup.html ?
Because Example 2 is exactly your use case.

> So is there any other method of doing a quick snapshot?

Well, https://www.sqlite.org/backup.html is the only supported way IMHO. --DD

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