On Thu, 19 May 2016 22:12:48 -0500
"Kasajian, Kenneth" <Kenneth.Kasajian at schneider-electric.com> wrote:

> I am interested in using the LSM
> (https://www.sqlite.org/src4/doc/trunk/www/lsmusr.wiki)
> The characteristics of my application is that I would like to enable
> the memory-mapped file feature so that I can offload data in memory
> to disk temporarily.    I don't care about data-recover after my
> application shuts down or it crashes.   In fact, the application will
> create a new database each time it starts up.
> The reason to do this is to be able to address hundreds of gigs of
> data in a key/value store method.   We would it put it in RAM but
> that would require a lot of RAM.    By putting the data on disk, we
> can work with very large sets of data.
> I care a lot about performance.  If I had the RAM, all of this would
> be in RAM (non-persistent and transien)
> My question is, if I have LSM_CONFIG_MMAP enabled, and on a 64-bit
> system I believe it's enabled by default, what happens if I also turn
> off LSM_CONFIG_SAFETY and LSM_CONFIG_USE_LOG.   Would that not make
> things a lot faster?
> I don't need data to be written to disk right away..   In fact, I
> would be okay if data were only written to disk when there the memory
> that is occupied by the data has to be reused - because persistence
> is not a factor.
> Anyone use LSM for this type of a use case?

IIRC you can create a :memory: database with sqlite4. Doesn't it feed your 

If you look at the Sqlite4 timeline, you'll see develop is a bit frozen. You 
can try the lsm-vtab (http://www.sqlite.org/src/timeline?n=100&r=lsm-vtab) for 
sqlite3, you need fossil-scm to download it and compile, but I don't know if it 
works currently or not (last updated on Feb 2016)


---   ---
Eduardo Morras <emorrasg at yahoo.es>

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