On 2016/05/30 1:17 AM, Balaji Ramanathan wrote:
It was too much database for my purposes as far as this project was
concerned.  Same with PostgreSQL.  Also, I wanted something that would be
easily accessible from my android phone/tablet as well as my PC.

I have been using MS Access all along, and I really like the nice front end
and reporting capabilities that come with that.  But it costs money to keep
Access around, and it is usable only on my PC.  I decided I could live
without the prettiness so that I would have something that is more flexible
and will remain accessible even if I don't have a Windows machine in the

I agree on the user-oriented front-end that MSSQL has, both in the SMS and the Access application, but you'll find there are quite a few that makes life with SQLite a pleasure too - some of them very user oriented. May I suggest, if you use Windows as a vehicle, you try either:
SLite Expert from: http://www.sqliteexpert.com/
or SQLitespeed from: http://www.sqlc.rifin.co.za/

If between those you don't get most of the features you need (or you need it on other platforms or perhaps connectors), there are many others that a simple Google will find.

Best of luck,
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