I’m a newbie to Sqlite, if that explains the following:

Last year, I installed Sqlite on my Mac; it was version

Server Type: SQLite
Connection Name: testDB
Database File: /Users/ekestler/Dropbox/SyleneDB/test.db
Setting Save Path: /Users/ekestler/Library/Application Support/PremiumSoft
CyberTech/Navicat for SQLite/testDB
Auto connect: NO
Encrypted: NO
Attached Database: NO
Server Version:

This past week, after carefully saving all the SQL queries, and exporting
all the tables as CSV files, renamed the sqlite3 executable to sqlite3_old,
and downloaded and installed a newer version on my Mac:

Erics-MacBook-Pro:SyleneDB ekestler$ sqlite3

SQLite version 2015-05-20 18:17:19

Enter ".help" for usage hints.

Connected to a *transient in-memory database*.

Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.


I use a (very old, not available from the vendor anymore) development IDE
product called Navicat Lite; when invoked, it still insists that the
working Sqlite version is, and none of the functions I need are
available (instr(), substr(), etc.).

I am NOT a C/C++ developer, and have no idea on how to update versions of
Sqlite via Mac compilation/make; nor can I find step-by-step instructions
for version updates that preserve the data and sql scripts.

Where does Sqlite actually reside when installed on a Mac?

Any help in resolving the version problem, or suggestions on altering where
Navicat Lite is executing the wrong version, would be very welcome.


Eric Kestler

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