On 6/13/16, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
> The relevance to this list is mostly in the last item above: atomic
> safe-save primitives.

The documentation indicates that safe-save only does file rename
operations atomically.  This of no help in making SQLite transactions

SQLite cannot use file renaming because SQLite databases are used
concurrently by multiple processes, and so if one process moves the
file, it would move the file out from under other processes.

The safe-save feature appears to be an effort to aid grow-your-own
style atomicity that is commonly implemented by writing new content
into a new file, then renaming the new file over top of the old.  This
comes up a lot for applications that treat the filesystem as a
key/value database.  Many programmers have assumed that rename is
atomic on unix.  It is not.  The rename-is-atomic assumption is so
wide-spread in the Linux world, that the linux kernel was modified to
make renames closer to being atomic on common filesystems such as
EXT4.  I think this new feature of HFS+ is likely a similar effort.

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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