I'm developing a medium-sized SQLite-based app (maybe 50 tables, 400 query, 
insert, and update routines).  As we all know, having the right set of table 
indices is vital for getting decent performance from SQL.  However, I'm getting 
to the point on this project where this is getting to be very difficult.
Some issues (at least for me) are:
. Table schema tend to evolve over time.
. Queries are added and removed.
. Queries, table definitions, and index creation are often in different places 
in the code.
. There's no obvious way to identify indices that are no longer needed.
. Indices are confusing at the best of times, and the info from EXPLAIN QUERY 
PLAN and from reading the query itself don't always lead to an obvious 
statement of what indices are needed.
Has anyone figured out a good system for managing indices in a smooth, 
efficient, and reliable way in a non-trivial SQLite application?
(Apologies if this subject has already been covered; I just joined the list.)

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