On 30.05.2016 17:09, Richard Hipp wrote:
On 5/30/16, Kirill Müller <krlmlr...@mailbox.org> wrote:
  I'd appreciate any pointers on bisecting
SQLite. Thanks.
(1) Make sure you have tclsh 8.5 or later installed on your system, as
there are various TCL scripts that SQLite makefile needs to run in
order to build the amalgamation.

(2) Install Fossil.  You can either download the precompiled
stand-alone binary from https://www.fossil-scm.org/download.html and
put that binary somewhere on your $PATH, or you can compile the
stand-alone binary yourself, from sources.
(https://www.fossil-scm.org/fossil/doc/trunk/www/build.wiki)  Either
way, installing is just a matter of putting the "fossil" or
"fossil.exe" file on your $PATH or %PATH% and uninstalling is simply
deleting the binary.

(3) Clone the SQLite repo:  fossil clone http://www.sqlite.org/src sqlite.fossil

(4) Open a check-out on the SQLite repo:  fossil open sqlite.fossil

(5) Make sure you can build:  ./configure; make sqlite3.c

(6) Start the bisect:  "fossil bisect reset; fossil bisect good
version-3.11.0; fossil bisect bad trunk".  In place of
"version-3.11.0" and "trunk", substitute whatever tags and/or SHA-1
check-in hashes and/or ISO8601 timestamps are appropriate to define
the end-points of the bisection.

(7) Rebuild and test.  Then type "fossil bisect good|bad" as
appropriate.  "fossil bisect undo" is available if you make a mistake
and need to back up.

(8) When the bisect finishes (or at any time in between) you can do
"fossil bisect ui" to see a timeline graph of the bisection.
Thanks for the very helpful detailed instructions. The original issue probably comes from how we compile and link the SQLite files, this is most likely not a regression.

I have noticed that fossil 1.33 is missing a "bisect skip" command which would allow ignoring revisions that are "untestable" but cannot be decided to be good or bad.

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