On 2016/06/24 6:04 AM, Igor Korot wrote:

No, I didn't.
But everything should work independently of what code page is being used?
My interface to the DB is based on the std::wstring. So, if someone
will create the DB
inside the shell and then create tables and name them using Chinese,
why I should change
something before doing it, just to satisfy one software?

Thank you.

The suggestions from people here are not to try and make SQLite work, it works fine. They are trying to help you to enter/insert/produce valid UTF-8, which you are clearly not doing.

SQLite reads UTF-8.
You are not giving it UTF-8.
It gives back what you gave it.
It still isn't UTF-8.

There is no mystery.

std::wstring is not guaranteed to function natively with UTF-8. here are some clues why and how to fix it:


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