> Le 30 juin 2016 à 13:34, R Smith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> a écrit :
> MERGE dbo.xxx AS T
>  USING dbo.yyy AS S
>     ON T.SomeID = S.SomeID
>  WHEN MATCHED AND T.ValueThatNeedsChanging = Oldvalue // or whatever checking 
> is relevant
> THEN UPDATE SET T.ValueThatNeedsChanging = NewValue
>    THEN INSERT (SomeID, ValueThatNeedsChanging, AndAllOtherColumns)
> VALUES () / SELECT clauses
> ;

I, hopefully, never used such a piece of coding in my whole life and I know, 
now, why all my human body cells refrained me to ever even approach MSSQL. :)

The - useful - "upsert" which I can make good use of is the simpler one you can 
find in FirebirdSQL, where it is called UPDATE OR INSERT with pretty much the 
same syntax as an insert.

Easy to read, useful and effective for what use cases it is designed for.

Meilleures salutations, Met vriendelijke groeten,  Best Regards,
Olivier Mascia (from mobile device), integral.be/om

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