On Tue, 26 Jul 2016 16:40:07 -0400
Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> On 7/26/16, John Found <johnfo...@asm32.info> wrote:
> > Is it possible to use SQLite, making queries directly in the internal
> > virtual machine language, instead of SQL?
> No.  Why do you want to do this.  The SQL language is the most
> compelling feature of SQLite.  Why abandon it?

Well, I am assembly programmer and assembly style syntax is much more readable 
native for me. I use SQLite for many of my projects and sometimes I wonder 
whether the internal "assembly kind" of language wouldn't fit better to 
assembly language writing 
style than the high level SQL. 

In addition, I never use dynamically created queries because of security 
so all SQL queries in my programs are string constants. 
This way, preparing them in compile time looks pretty natural.

> >
> > Or in another variant, compile the queries in design time, manually optimize
> > them (if needed) and then store and call in the program in compiled form?
> Years ago, we did a custom version of SQLite for a start-up in which
> the SQL was rendered into byte-code at compile-time and stored in the
> database.  Then at run-time, the application simply invoked an API
> that said essentially "run statement N using the following
> parameters".  SQLite would then load the byte code out of the database
> file, bind the parameters, and run the statement.
> By preparing the SQL to byte-code at compile-time, the whole SQL
> parser, query planner, optimizers, and code generator could be omitted
> from the build, which saved a lot of code space on the embedded device
> where it was to be run.

Yes, the size optimization is something that every assembly programmer likes. :)
The Mrs.Todd's principle: "Save enough miles and soon enough you'll save time."

> Limitations were severe.  The byte code varies according to the
> database schema and the specific build of SQLite.  So, you could not
> change your database schema without recompiling the application.  And
> your database file was tied to a specific version of the application
> and would not work with a different version.

Well, yes, this can be serious problem. I expected bytecode to be 
constant and compatible between versions and only the way queries
are compiled to differ.

> All this was all a long time ago.  And it was a custom build which was
> never ported to the public SQLite source tree.  SQLite does not
> currently have that capability.
> -- 
> D. Richard Hipp
> d...@sqlite.org
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John Found <johnfo...@asm32.info>
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