On 2016-08-04 7:27 AM, Jim Callahan wrote:
Agree with Darren Duncan and Dr. Hipp you may want to have at least 3
separate steps
(each step should be a separate transaction):

1. Simple load
2. Create additional column
3. Create index

Have you pre-defined the table you are loading data into? (step 0 CREATE

If "Step 1 Simple Load" does not complete; then may want to load a fixed
number of rows into separate tables (per Darren Duncan)  and then combine
using an APPEND
or a UNION query (doing so before steps 2 and 3).

To be clear, my proposal of only loading a subset of rows was just intended for debugging the performance issues the OP was having and try and figure out what is causing the problem without having to wait too long for larger sets to complete. I wasn't proposing splitting the load into separate databases and unioning later, rather the attempt database would be thrown away after each trial. -- Darren Duncan
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