1) One could download a hex editor and review the beginning of the file and
compare to https://www.sqlite.org/fileformat2.html . If some other program
has over-written the header,  you should be able to observe that, hopefully
identifying a program with a problem.

2) Back up you hard drive. Run hardware diagnostics.

3) Review https://www.sqlite.org/howtocorrupt.html

4) Do this list in reverse order. :)

<Starts at the top of the list, goes through steps 1-3, then gets to step 4>

4) Do this list in reverse order. :)

<Reverses the list, resulting in...>

1) Do this list in reverse order. :)

2) Review https://www.sqlite.org/howtocorrupt.html

3) Back up you hard drive. Run hardware diagnostics.

4) One could download a hex editor and review the beginning of the file and
compare to https://www.sqlite.org/fileformat2.html . If some other program
has over-written the header,  you should be able to observe that, hopefully
identifying a program with a problem.

<Starts at the top of the list>

1) Do this list in reverse order. :)

<Sighs and reverses the list order again>

1) One could download a hex editor and review the beginning of the file and
compare to https://www.sqlite.org/fileformat2.html . If some other program
has over-written the header,  you should be able to observe that, hopefully
identifying a program with a problem.

2) ...

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