On 8/21/16, Michele Pradella <michele.prade...@selea.com> wrote:
> Ok so speeking about network file system.
> 1 process with 2 threads that read/write DB file, is safe or not?
> Do you think the SQLITE_THREADSAFE [1] in Thread-Safe or in Serialize
> mode can avoid network problem in this use case?

This is entirely dependent on you network filesystem.  THREADSAFE
should not be a factor.

Most of the network filesystem bugs that we have seen involve two or
more processes writing from different hosts.  So probably you will be
fine if all I/O is from a single process on a single host.  But,
again, this is outside the control of SQLite.  It is a function of the
network filesystem.
D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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