Thanks for the inof. So I know what to look for if needed.

Am 22.08.2016 um 12:18 schrieb Richard Hipp:
On 8/22/16, Bernd Schuhmacher <bernd.schuhmac...@cranimax.com> wrote:

Am 19.08.2016 um 13:43 schrieb Richard Hipp:
On 8/19/16, Bernd Schuhmacher <bernd.schuhmac...@cranimax.com> wrote:
No.  Databases encrypted by the legacy encryption mechanism in SDS are
not readable or writable with SEE, and vice versa.
Thanks for the information.
Is there a way to use one encryption system for both worlds?
SDS can recompiled to use SEE.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen / with best regards / sincères salutations
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        Bernd Schuhmacher
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        phone: +49 - 63 32 - 79 22 36 (direct dial)
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