Well, I guess I am in the minority using a tabbed browser then :)

In tabbed browsers, all browser tabs share the same window width, and it is
quite impractical to resize the browser every time you switch a tab.

On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 11:06 AM, R Smith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> wrote:

> On 2016/09/06 10:19 AM, Stephan Beal wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 10:15 AM, Eric Grange <zar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> However, while you are at it, an improvement for the website when browsed
>>> from a computer would be to limit the max width of the pages, especially
>>> for the documentation pages. Currently if you have a big screen the lines
>>> of text stretch to the whole browser width, which is not very readable.
>>> A counter-opinion, though apparently in the small minority: i _absolutely
>> despise_ fixed-width web site layouts.
> I'm afraid I'm with Mr. Beal on this - Windows (for all its faults) lets
> me drag the size of a window (including browser windows) to whatever I like
> them to be. It feels extremely presumptuous of a web-site (or its designer)
> to decide that I am incapable of picking a size that "reads well". I think
> the convention has merit for people who simply clicks the little "Maximize"
> button and then expects to see content that is easy to read. That's
> laziness in my opinion, but I'm not judging, just don't want them to decide
> my read-width.
> Catering for user who don't know how to use computers is a bit of an Apple
> thing (and sadly lately a bit of a Windows thing too), luckily Linux still
> thinks I am the boss. I don't mind that these conventions exist to help
> those folks, I just wish I had the choice... always.
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