On 14/09/2016 9:59 PM, R Smith wrote:
I think this is answered, but since you are a bit new to SQLite, and to be somewhat more informant...

SQLite is certainly a different experience to the enterprise class data bases that I'm used to but I like it. I'm still getting used to the duck typing aspect. I've built it on a z/OS mainframe with very little changes and it works great in the z/OS UNIX environment. I'm wondering what it will take to get it to work
in the native file system.

On 2016/09/14 3:19 PM, David Crayford wrote:
Of course. How do I do something similar to DB2 decimal() function which will add trailing zeros to precision? I tried round(col,6) but it knocked off the trailing zero like 12.12345.

It's not so much the trailing zeroes you need, it's the leading spaces. But you should order by the original value, not by "column 2" because "column 2" contains RESULTS (or OUTPUT if you will), not original values, and you have stringified the results with your printf() statement, so they will now sort like strings.

Got it, the sort on original value was what I needed. And thank you to you chaps for pointing it out.

At least, this is how SQLite thinks of that statement - I'm unsure if this is in line (or not in line) with any standard. I think from a previous discussion we concluded that ordering, limiting and offsetting were all non-standard adaptions by various SQL implementations and so have no true conformance spec.

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