On Sun, Sep 25, 2016 at 8:54 PM, Gerry Snyder <mesmerizer...@gmail.com>

> [...] the compiled statement has to know how many values are being looked
> at by IN.
> At least up til now. Perhaps having row values will change this. We
> should know soon.

Only if you can bind them :)

And the SQLite-TCL could also use the carray extension,
but that would be a security hole I suppose. (unless the TCL runtime can
the list variable's name dynamically, in which case it wouldn't be the list
but a "safe surrogate" in that case. That would probably work. Probably no
thought of doing that yet, since eponymous vtables are relatively new)

Or [db eval  ...] recognizes it's used with a variable in a position that
to be runtime-expanded textually, and thus cannot be prepared+bind, but
that would require knowing the context of bind placeholders, which is not
of the SQLite API, since there's no parse AST per-se for statements, part of
the public API. Also on my wish list that clashes with the "lite" part. --DD
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