To avoid unnecessary rebalance and  split operation of b-tree, sort the data 
before insert it to table.

Create temp table bf_temp(id integer, offset); -- careful, no primary key


Insert into bf_temp(id, offset) values(?,?);


create table if not exists bf_fav_nis(id integer primary key, offset integer);

insert into bf_fav_nis select * from bf_temp order by id;


slight modified version of your program, take 1min19sec to  import 22M rows,

#include <string>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <sys/timeb.h>

#include "sqlite3.h"

using namespace std;

namespace os {

int getmillicount()


 // Something like GetTickCount but portable

 // It rolls over every ~ 12.1 days (0x100000/24/60/60)

 // Use GetMilliSpan to correct for rollover

 timeb tb;

 ftime( &tb );

 int nCount = tb.millitm + (tb.time & 0xfffff) * 1000;

 return nCount;



struct SQLite3Statement


  sqlite3_stmt *stmt;




    if(stmt) sqlite3_finalize(stmt);


  int bind_exec(std::string &p1, sqlite3_int64 p2)




      sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, p1.c_str(), p1.size(), NULL);

      sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 2, p2);

      int rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);


      return rc;


    return -1;



struct SQLite3


  sqlite3 *db;

  SQLite3(const char *dbname)


    db = NULL;

    sqlite3_open_v2(dbname, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE | SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE, 






  int exec_dml(const char *szSql)


    return sqlite3_exec(db, szSql, NULL, NULL, NULL);


  int prepare(SQLite3Statement &stmt, const char *szSql)


    return sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, szSql, -1, &stmt.stmt, NULL);



struct file


  FILE *fp;

  file(const char *fname, const char *mode)


    fp = fopen(fname, mode);


  int tell()


    return ftell(fp);


  std::string read_line()


    char line[32];

    if(!fgets(line, sizeof(line),fp)) line[0] = '\0';;

    return line;



int main(int argc, char *argv[])


  int total_milli_param = 0;

  if(argc > 1)


    total_milli_param = atoi(argv[1]);


  SQLite3 db("bf-favorecidos-nis.db");

  db.exec_dml("PRAGMA synchronous = 0;");

  db.exec_dml("drop table if exists bf_fav_nis;");

  db.exec_dml("create temp table if not exists bf_temp(id integer, offset 

  db.exec_dml("create table if not exists bf_fav_nis(id integer primary key, 
offset integer);");

  SQLite3Statement stmt;

  db.prepare(stmt, "insert into bf_temp(id, offset) values(?,?)");

  file fd("favorecidos-nis.txt","r");


  std::string line;

  auto count = 0, offset = 0,

    total_count = 22501426, //total number of line in fd

    total_milli = (total_milli_param ? total_milli_param : 190020); //total 
miliseconds spent to process all lines

  auto step_count = 100000,

    start_milli = os::getmillicount(), last_milli = os::getmillicount();


  while( (line = fd.read_line()).size() )


    stmt.bind_exec(line, offset);


    offset = fd.tell();

    if( (count % step_count) == 0)


      auto now_milli = os::getmillicount();

      auto till_now_milli = now_milli - start_milli;

      auto spent_milli = now_milli - last_milli;

      auto step_rate = step_count / spent_milli;

      auto total_count_rate = ((count + 0.0) / total_count) * 100;

      auto total_milli_rate = ((till_now_milli + 0.0) / total_milli) * 100;

      last_milli = now_milli;

      printf("%d\t%f\t%f\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", count, total_count_rate, 
total_milli_rate, step_rate * 1000, step_count, spent_milli, till_now_milli);




  db.exec_dml("insert into bf_fav_nis select * from bf_temp order by id");


  auto milli_spent = os::getmillicount() - start_milli;

  printf("%d\t%d\t%d\t%f\n", count, (count / milli_spent) * 1000, milli_spent, 
milli_spent / 60.0);

  return 0;


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